Unter History findest du eine umfangreiche Giglist mit Plakaten und einen "Familienstammbaum" der Band.  
the band is on hiatus ....
Go to history to see our giglist, liveposters and a "family tree" of the band.

Thanks to every member of K.G.B in the past

Vocals - Hannes Koerber
Guitars - Joe Silver / Uli Reiße-Gross / Marco Richard / Big Danny Thompson / Roman Schoensee / Bruce Stuckey / Vezz Ruthenberg /
J.J. Pearson / Eric Anderson /
Merle Griggs / Michi Varnbüler / Ditschek / Kalle / Jacky Steger / Michael Friedrich /
Mick "The Kick" Rouselle
Bass -  Fabe / Julian Warth / Squid / David "Tufty" Clough / Mark Zalaman / Fuji / Nasty / Willo / Lampe /
Joe Zaccharias
Drums - Benny Stolz / J.J. Pearson / Mark Cutsinger / Votzer /
Markus Specht / Mitsch Bok /
Phillip Müller / Patty Klementz /
Olli Raß / Ralf Wettemann /
Stefan Geckle / Stefan "Fisch" Dörsch / Ede Wolf

and, of course our supporters and fans.


webdesign by Alex Gonschior & Locke Grave